Funny Cat Wake Up Gif

Funny Cat Wake Up Gifs

The Funniest Cats Waking Up You'll Ever See

It's always a joy to watch cats wake up. Whether they're stretching, yawning, or rolling around, cats' morning rituals are always entertaining. Here are some of the funniest cat wake up gifs you'll ever see!

1. The Cat Who's Too Tired for Life

This cat is so tired that he can't even lift his head off the ground. His owner tries to get him to move, but the cat just can't find the energy!

2. The Cat Who Can't Wait to Get Going

This cat is so excited to start the day that he jumps out of bed and starts running around the house! His energy is contagious.

3. The Cat Who Hates Alarms

This cat hates alarms so much that he always gets up before they go off. He leaps out of bed and runs away as soon as he hears the sound.

4. The Cat Who Needs Some Coffee

This cat needs some coffee to get going in the morning. He rubs his eyes, takes a sip of coffee, and then he's ready to go!

5. The Cat Who's Not a Morning Person

This cat is definitely not a morning person. He scowls, grumbles, and tries to hide from the light. He just wants to stay in bed all day!


Cats' morning rituals are always entertaining, and these funny cat wake up gifs are proof of that! From the cat who's too tired for life to the one who needs some coffee, these cats will make you smile every time you see them.

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